What do Soul Midwives do?

Soul Midwives are non-medical, holistic companions who guide and support the dying in order to facilitate a gentle and tranquil death.

Soul Midwives (both men and women) regard every dying person as if he, or she, is the most important person in the world. All are cared for as if they are a cherished family member.

They may gentle therapies to soothe and reassure and are skilled advocates  and advisors.

They are non-denominational in their pastoral support, encouraging deep conversation, with love and dignity.

Their work may begin from point of diagnosis and continue until the final day of life, with encouragement and support to live life fully, until the end.

Soul Midwives are helping to transform the personal and collective experiences of dying and living, within the community, by helping anyone facing the end of life to experience the best death possible in their circumstances.

Soul Midwives:

  • Listen, provide gentle therapeutic techniques and ensure compassionate care at all times
  • Work holistically with the dying person
  • Keep a loving vigil
  • Create and hold a sacred and healing space for the dying person
  • Recognise and support the individual needs of the departing person to enable a tranquil death
  • Use touch, scent and other gentle techniques to help alleviate pain and anxiety
  • Support families and loved ones
  • Provide support and advocacy